- Added changelog file to conda package (data-tailor#1126) - Added worker plugin to ensure gdal subprocesses are interrupted on manual customisation kill (#1172) - Bumped Swagger UI definition version to 3.0.1 (#1146) - epct_webui: Add run-constrained section in conda/meta.yaml file to set the compatibility with epct version (#1145) - epct_restapi: Add run-constrained section in conda/meta.yaml file to set the compatibility with epct version (#1145) - Hide MSG1.5 products in HRIT format from the list of available product types in DTWS (#1116) - Run button now waits for submission to be completed (#1136) - Fixed Swagger UI security scheme definition (#1146) - Fixed shapefile usage on run customisation (#1119) - Update dask to latest stable version 2022.10.0 (#1166)